Remotasker Testimonial: Marjune

In these Testimonials, the Remotasks Team asked some Remotaskers about their experience with the Remotasks Platform. Here are their stories:

Basic Information

Name: Marjune

Position: Trainer

When did you start working? January 2020

Where are you from? Philippines

Their Remotasks Experience

What happened to you before Remotasks? 

Before joining Remotasks, I was a corporate IT specialist. I heard about Remotasks because of my workmate who encouraged me to sign up. After I registered, I took some of the self-training 2D courses. However, my friend encouraged me to give onsite Bootcamp a shot since his brother has been earning a lot of money every week because of the project types the Bootcamp is teaching. 

After deciding to sign up for a Bootcamp last January 2020, I had to file two weeks of leave at work to accommodate the training duration. Since our Bootcamp also incorporates live training, our Bootcamp got extended for another two weeks. It’s at this point that I took a risk and actually quit my job to focus on the Bootcamp.

I was surprised that I earned a lot* just after a week of training, and I came up with the realization that I can earn more once I work hard. I was glad to discover that I ended up becoming one of the Top 5 Earners of that project type after graduation. After finishing that Bootcamp, I attended another Bootcamp for another high-earning project type to expand my knowledge.

It’s at that point that my former Trainer approached me if I was willing to apply to become a Trainer like them, and I accepted their offer. I’m so thankful and blessed for this kind of opportunity, and now I use this to help other people earn - especially now that we’re in a pandemic. 

How did you learn about the platform?

I discovered Remotasks thanks to my colleague from a previous job. They encouraged me to join the Bootcamp, since he said his brother is also earning a lot there every week. 

What do you enjoy about Remotasks?

I enjoy Remotasks because it’s like playing and working at the same time. I’m also happy that doing these tasks is a way that I can contribute to the future advancements of AI, specifically self-driving cars - it’s like I’m working for the future!

How long did it take for Remotasks to help you start earning at your desired pace?

I got trained for almost three weeks, and doing another week of live tasks when I joined in-house Bootcamp Training. This was hard for me, but thankfully I managed to persevere. It’s in this process that I learned how to best learn from our mistakes and to listen to our Trainers. I learned that reading the instructions properly can easily make us high-quality Remotaskers. We can’t rush these things and we have to learn little by little everyday until we master our tasks. 

What did you wish you knew before joining Remotasks?

Before I joined Remotasks, I’m just a simple corporate IT guy. I wish I knew about Remotasks early on so by now I would’ve had a broader experience in this field. 

What would you tell someone who’s thinking about joining Remotasks?

I would tell them that they will enjoy this kind of work and they’ll definitely earn bigger if they work hard. I’ll share my experience and how I earned, so they’ll encourage joining us with this kind of work. I’ll teach them how to become an efficient Remotasker and encourage them that they’ll earn more in this kind of work if they work hard. 

Do you want to read some more? Check out these Blog Posts too!

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