Remotasks 101: 5 Reasons You’d Do Great With 3D Tasks

If you’ve been in Remotasks for a while, chances are you’ve encountered 3D Tasks and found it a bit more challenging than expected. After all, compared to 2D Tasks, 3D Tasks have more precise instructions and tend to be more complex. Of course, 3D Tasks also tend to pay higher due to their complicated nature. However, there’s more to 3D Tasks than just “complex and difficult.” Moreover, its difficulty level can become very appealing to Remotaskers looking for a challenge in their daily tasking.

What are 3D Tasks? 

In Remotasks, 3D Tasks are projects that Remotaskers need to accomplish that take place in a fully 3D environment. Done mostly through LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), Remotaskers are assigned to label and annotate objects that their main object (a car, mostly) is currently scanning. Since 3D Tasks take place in a 3D environment, Remotaskers have to scan and label objects (cars, people, road hazards, among others) from various perspectives. 

The many elements working with 3D Tasks can explain why they tend to be more difficult to accomplish. And the time it takes to properly accomplish a 3D Task can justify why it pays more than 2D Tasks. If you’re up for a challenge, here are more reasons to work with 3D Tasks: 

  • Complex but rewarding tasks. Unlike 2D Tasks, a lot of Remotaskers pursue 3D Tasks due to its complexity but high payout. In fact, other Remotaskers interested in challenging themselves may want to try their hand in 3D Tasks that will test both their problem solving skills and attention to detail. Compared to 2D Tasks, 3D Tasks present players with footage happening in a full-3D environment. In turn, Taskers can see how objects interact with one another from an almost 360-degree perspective. Given that Taskers still need to annotate and label these objects, it's easy to see how these 3D Tasks take time but also yield the highest payouts for Taskers who work on them properly. 
  • Remember instructions for certain angles. In 2D Tasks, Remotaskers have to consistently follow minute changes to instructions across various projects. Interestingly, 3D Tasks follow the same principle. However, this time around, 3D Tasks also need Taskers to follow these instructions in the context of multiple angles as well. As such, projects in 3D Tasks often have multilayered instructions that differ not just across one project to the next. Rather, even different angles of these projects may follow different directions. Remotaskers who note these differences properly will do great in 3D Tasks. 
  • Prefer to look at all angles to solve problems. Unlike 2D Tasks, 3D Tasks give Remotasks a clip of a 3D environment to work with. This factor means Taskers can see all objects and their trajectories from almost a 360-degree angle. Likewise, this implies that Remotaskers need to label and describe all objects properly in the context of all these angles. If most 2D Tasks will ask Taskers to ignore unrecognizable objects, 3D Tasks may have specific instructions on how to label objects that become unrecognizable in certain angles. Taskers prepared to explore a 3D scene across multiple angles will work well with 3D Tasks. 
  • Attention to detail and love for film. Whereas most 2D Tasks come in the form of analyzing a clip or footage, 3D Tasks actually observe an entire 3D image. When compared to multimedia, 3D Taskers assume the role of video editors that have to look at the same shot from multiple angles. Moreover, Remotaskers working on 3D Tasks need to ensure that all these angles consistently have the right objects with the right labels and description. Taskers with the same focus to detail as film enthusiasts will fit in quite well with 3D Tasks. 
  • Comfortable with rechecking angles repeatedly. Granted, even Remotaskers have to recheck and review their 2D Tasks to ensure high marks after submission. However, the rechecking process can take a lot of time for 3D Tasks because of the need to check different angles. Remember, scores for a task attempt can decrease even if only one object got a value wrong in an angle. Remotaskers who feel comfortable reviewing their progress repeatedly to ensure the right measurements have the attention to detail to fit right in with 3D Tasks. 

Remotasks in 3D: Complex Is Key

With the above reasons in mind, it’s important to remember that working with 3D Tasks can be very rewarding once you get the hang of it. And beyond its complexity lies its potential to make sweeping changes in the global community. After all, it’s thanks to 3D Tasks that we can make way for more advanced 3D technologies such as more efficient satellite imaging, and even self-driving cars. 

If you’re curious as to just what kind of 3D Tasks we’re offering in Remotasks, then you might want to try your hand in them in the Remotasks platform! Thanks to our free registration and free training in Remotasks, you can join right now and get in on the 3D Tasks craze!

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